Painting Cheat-Sheet for German Grenadier Weaponry

In preparation for painting a couple sets of Bolt Action: German Grenadiers, I figured it would be worthwhile to study their weapons so that I would knew exactly which parts of the German Grenadier Weaponry should be painted wood, and which parts, metal.

I had recently been looking around at some images of painted WW2 infantry models and noticed something was off. Upon closer examination, I realized that some people (understandably), paint WW2 era rifles much like that of many modern hunting rifles. This is to say that they will paint all along the top of a rifle to represent the exposed barrel of the weapon sitting upon the stock.

While this is true with some weapons of the era, many iconic weapons of the war had the barrel partially concealed within the stock. On my cheat-sheet l created below, you can see the Karabiner 98k and the Gewehr 44 are perfect examples.

So, In an attempt to simplify the process, I made this handy little sheet to help remind me exactly where the wood and metal should be painted to best reflect the actual weaponry.

I hope someone finds it helpful!



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