Battle Report:

  • January 12:  Germany (Jaime) vs. USSR (Kevin)- Tank War. Axis Victory.
  • January 12: Germany  (Greg) vs. United States (Andy) – Tank War. Axis Victory.
  • January 12: Germany (Greg & Jaime) vs. USSR (Andy & Kevin) – Tank War. Axis victory.
  • January 26: Germany vs. USSR – Scenario 1 @ 1000 pts. – Battle concludes in a draw.

Bolt Action: Operation Rules

At the conclusion of each complete game of Bolt Action, The Results of the battle will be converted into Operations Points for the two involved factions: Axis and Allies. Each battle that concludes in a victory awards 2 Operation Points for the winning side, and 1 Operation Point for the losing side. A battle that concludes in a draw awards 1 Operation Point to both sides.